What is Paris Sparkle?
Paris glow is one of the non-surgical injection methods applied for its anti-aging treatment and applied to the face to have a revitalized and good skin.
Paris glow, its full formula increases fibroblast activity for an anti-aging effect. Injection of Paris glow, a new cell renewal treatment, contains 59 revitalizing ingredients along with hyaluronic acid.
What is the content of Paris glow?
It has a content of essential nutrients to have a beautiful skin. Hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin, 12 vitamins to stimulate collagen synthesis and neutralize free radicals, 24 amino acids to help protein/elastin/collagen production, 6 coenzymes and 5 nucleic acids to stimulate metabolic reactions, 6 to provide balance from cell metabolism The mineral has other ingredients ((Glutation, Polysorbate 80, Glucuronic acid, Glucuronic acid lactone, Glucosamine, Dextrose anhidrosis) to fight against excessive free radicals.
How does it affect?
Paris radiance provides proven results after 5 sessions. A 144% glow was observed in the skin of 88% of the cases. In 83% of them, 132% hydration, 52% homoginity, 33% wrinkle reduction and 59% shrinkage in pores were observed.
It has been observed that the vitality and radiance of the skin increased, and wrinkles, which are signs of aging, decreased with 3 sessions applied with 15 days intervals and 2 sessions with 30 days apart.
How is it applied?
The prepared special content is applied to the treatment areas. The results of the application are fully manifested within a few days, starting immediately after the injection.
It has a 3-stage treatment procedure of 2 sessions in 3 weeks and 2 sessions per month for optimum permanent results. Stage 1 is initiation, stage 2 is repair, and stage 3 is stabilization. To maintain the results, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a year.
For whom is it suitable?
It is suitable for people with wrinkles on their skin, loss of elasticity, dryness, lifelessness and dullness. Paris glow is an effective form of treatment especially applied to prevent aging, gravity and ultraviolet damage.
Paris radiance treatment can be applied to any area with signs of aging such as around the eyes, face, neck, hands and arms. By increasing the production of collagen and elastin, it provides the vitamin and mineral support that the skin needs. In this way, it helps the skin to look more lively, youthful and radiant.
In addition, it can be applied in all seasons, in the treatment of all skins, in all phototypes, for people of all ages, with every aesthetic procedure.